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Let's get you ready for the session.

You will be appointed a blue dodge charger by staff. Wait your turn, as other people may be taking the test at the same time as you.  You MUST watch these videos before taking the test.

If you get a low score because you mess up the test by doing it incorrectly, you're at fault.


Your instructor will approach your vehicle and welcome you. Watch the video for a quick overview of what you're supposed to do. If you fail this test because you went too slow or did the test wrong entirely, we are not liable. It is your fault if you fail. You must agree to watch the videos. Remember, the point of this test is to complete it as fast as possible without hitting anything.


This next test is called the "overtaking test". In this test, you must overtake a box of barriers down the road leading to the highway. Remember, indicate, smooth out your driving and merge back into the original lane you overtook from. Once you've overtaken the box, continue straight down and turn left.


You're almost finished! Welcome to the parking test. In this test, you must complete a reverse parking right outside the Federate Hosting building (Department of transportation building). Remember, do it in one single turn and remember to indicate!


The final test - AKA The centering test. In this test, you must stay as centered in your lane as possible. You need to space out the distance from the white lines equally on both sides - so that you're perfectly within the middle of the lane.


Session etiquette

Group 324380.png

Session Code


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