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Refund Policy

User Eligibility

Federate offers free refunds for eligible users. View the refund eligibility standards below.

- User must've owned the item for less than 2 days
- User must've bought the item - No giveaway items

Item Eligibility

Only certain items offer free refunds. View the approved refund items below.

- Federate MAX
- Federate Plus
- Federate 500+ Donation

- Federate Ads

- Federate Donation shirts (less than 500)
- Federate Priority Queue
- Federate Merch
- Federate Merch 2
- Federate Titanium

Important Notice

A staff member must contact the owner, Federal, before paying out any refunds. A refund can be declined for absolutely any reason whatsoever. You are never guaranteed a refund. By purchasing an item from the Federate Shop, you take full responsibility for any money spent. To claim a refunds, you must open a ticket.

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